Change is a beautiful adventure ...

Change Crescendo was born from my deep conviction that changes are great adventures which represent as many opportunities for everyone to grow and transform .

Change Crescendo represents this certainty that people are at the haert of the organisation's success. Whether it is a question of implementing new organizational forms, new tools, new work procedures or new behaviors, it is a question of putting the individual into action by mobilizing his or her strengths so that he or she takes ownership of these changes.

Change Crescendo part des personnes (employés, équipes, managers, dirigeants), de leurs besoins et de leurs spécificités afin de leur offrir un accompagnement adapté vers leur succès et le succès du groupe dans son ensemble.

Change Crescendo is also about using proven methods and tools from the past 15 years to ensure the best solution for each change situation within an organization.

... mine as well!

I am a wife, a mother, a friend, a yogi, an artist and a sportswoman in my spare time. But above all I am passionate and humanist

For the past 15 years I have been working as a consultant in change management and cultural transformation within organisations. I gained my experience by working in large companies active in a wide variety of fields.

I have contributed to numerous organisational transformation projects such as mergers and acquisitions, restructurings, logistics transformations, software implementations, new customer journeys design and deployments, work process changes (including digitalisation), team structure transformations, change management for and in Agile, ...


My passions are now part of my daily life

Today, I continue to practice my profession as a change management consultant with passion. Twice a week, I give Viniyoga classes and soon I will add a complementary offer of Sophrological support.

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